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LINKS Aftonbladet
On Gilles Deleuze
On the Alta demonstrations
The program of Black Box Theatre 2018, for the performance Ways of seeing by Pia Maria Roll
The video for a National Apology (2015)
About the Yes Men
Article the Minds Mirror
on Witgenstein and Aesthetics
On Norwegian playwrighting at scenekunst.no
On Norwegian playwrighting at scenekunst.no
Notes from the Anthropocene: Living in the Back Loop
On interactive theatre – Lisa Nagel
Article on fake life wests, the Guardian
On Witgenstein and ethics and aesthetics
Homepage Gilje, H C
Homepage Viola, Bill
on Sierra, Santiago
Inspiration for workshop with dancers for Sweatshop Aleppo:Radhouane El Meddeb – Au temps où les Arabes dansaient…