Research area D
You know my son
the choice of heaviness
Is not the choice of the plain
Some people say
that it was always there
But I think that once the plain was
just a plain
In the time before
before humans walked it
and gave it its name
In the times of the grazing
or even before the time of men or grazing or names
before words like
Before this palace was built
Before the comprehension of anything being built
or of anything existing such as a palace
When all was still open
They sky
The wind
The hare the fox and the mice
A worm worming its way through the grass
Before there was anything
here worth fighting for
then maybe there was no heaviness at all
Are we there now?
Yes we are
So this is it
What do we see?
It depends
On what?
The perspective
What we see depends on the perspective
What is our perspective?
Well you see my son
that’s the choice
The choice –
But be careful
One has to be careful when choosing the perspective
In this story
What story?
Again – That also depends
That is also a choice
Of what?
Of perspective
Just lay down on your back for a second
How do you feel?
Are you on your back?
Are you comfortable?
I think so
Actually I feel quite – I don’t know – The moss and the grass is soft
The sun is shining in my face
What do you see?
Clouds, I think
Blue sky mainly
and some clouds
So – Just sky
Is that enough?
Actually – I think I could stay like this forever
What do you hear?
What do you smell?
I am waiting
What was that shriek?
It sounded like a somebody crying, yelping –
A buzzard maybe
No, it was something else
A fox?
A little mouse?
I think its dying
Don’t turn your gaze!
Why not?
I cannot continue looking at the sky when somebody
Ok – something is dying here right beside me
How do you know its dying?
I don’t know –
It feels like it’s dying
It sounds like it’s dying
And the sky is still blue?
And the smell is still the same?
Yes, but –
Now it’s gone silent
All silent
Not a sound
Please let me see!
Let me check
If you see, you change your perspective
If you see
You might change this story
Where are you now?
Deep in the moss
On my belly
What are you now?
A worm I think
Gliding through the grass
Where is the sky?
I cannot see it
Not from down here
Lift your head
If you lift your head, you can see it
Now – now I can see it
What more?
Blood in the grass
And then?
There it is
The mouse
The thing I heard
The head is gone
Its innards
What do you feel?
What do you want to do?
Swallow it
I want to eat it
Please let me
Please let me eat it
Please let me swallow it whole
Now – do you understand?
What’s to understand
I am hungry
I want to eat
If I was there would you eat me too?
So you see
Now this is a different story
Different perspective
Different story
What happened now?
Where did you place me?
Where are my eyes?
It’s so cold
Now are you hungry?
Now are you a worm?
What are you?
I am disappearing
I am nothing
I am
You are a dead mouse
You are disintegrating
You are rotting flesh
You are earth
You are the grass growing
Wind in the grass
Just earth
I hear voices
There are feet in the grass
They are passing me
They are building a road
Still grass
What kind of grass?
A tall one
The type that grows by the roadside
How beautiful you are
Am I?
Can’t you feel it
I feel kind of tingly
Can’t you smell –
Ah – that’s wonderful
Like honey
You are flowering
You are in flower
big purple flowers
If I was a girl I would have picked me
She wants to pick you
Let her!
Let her pick me!
I have been her long enough
I am tired of being grass of being weed
Let her uproot me, take me
If I let her pick you
I know
I know – I’ve got it
Then we will change the perspective
Then we will –
Change the story
Can you see her?
Can you feel her hand?
ACan you feel her take you?
In a vase
On a table
In a big room
By a window
Out of the window – what do you see?
The plain
What plain
The plain outside the palace
Clouds gathering
It’s raining
There is a road out there
Tanks on the road
They are passing
All the lights have been turned out
Do you feel the heaviness now?
It wasn’t there before – but now it’s there
The plain is grey and muddy
Nights falling
Aeroplanes ahead
Missiles falling
A group of soldiers breaking down the palace door
The girl nowhere to be found
The soldiers running up the staircase
Shooting at everything
Slamming the doors to this room open
kicking over the table
the vase
trampling on the flowers
on me
I am trampling
I am excited
I am scared
I am opening the drawers
Breaking the china
I know this soldier
Who is he?
I know his story
Can you see him?
Can you see them
We are setting the room aflame
Amid the ruins
a pile of metal
It’s me
This story –
I can see it
It is me
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